中英對照讀新聞》A Kentucky family gets an early gift: an owl in their Christmas tree肯塔基州一戶家庭提早收到一份禮物:有隻貓頭鷹在他們的耶誕樹裡


2023/12/23 05:30


One Kentucky family got a little something extra when they picked out their Christmas tree this year: an owl.



Lexington resident Michele White told WDKY-TV that it’s a tradition for the family to pick out a Christmas tree every year and this year seemed no different. They had the tree in their home for four days and didn’t notice anything unusual.


Bobby Hayes, who owns Magic Carpet Cleaning and was at the home while the family was out, first noticed the bird after plugging in a piece of equipment and seeing the tree start to sway.


“The owl crawled up into the tree further,” Hayes said. “It took me several minutes to even find it.”


He sent photos to White, who said she was glad he was there to deal with the animal. Hayes said he was able to safely release the owl in the family’s backyard.



sway:動詞,指搖擺、移動、說服;名詞,指控制、統治、影響。His parents no longer seem to have much sway over him.(他的父母似乎再也管不了他。)

crawl:動詞,指爬行、蠕動、緩慢地移動、蔓生、諂媚奉承。例句:She never crawls to her superiors.(她從不巴結長官。)
